The Wild Rye Story
Baking was laid in my foundation from the start. It all started with my mom. With her chocolate cake, blueberry muffins and countless other treats. It grew when I was a professional ballerina, traveling and living out an entirely different and wonderful life. It expanded as I began to travel with the intention of experiencing remarkable food, and it solidified within me as I entered the restaurant industry as a pastry chef.
When I stepped off the stage and stepped into the world of pastry, I was in awe. The lessons and techniques I mastered there laid the foundation for how I bake, teach and think about food today.
The thing I didn't expect to discover was my “why” for baking. The point where it all comes together. It's the feeling you get when you share something you’ve made with someone you love. The culmination of experience that happens as you bake! The whisk in the bowl, the scent of cake in the oven, the wildness of simple ingredients coming together and transforming.
The face people make when dessert hits the table or when you say “we’re having pancakes for breakfast”... What is it about that face?!? Whatever it is, I love it. I call all of this baking magic.
I recognized that I could help people make, in their homes, the type of goodies we’ve come to expect only from a bakery or restaurant. Removing the misconception that baking is challenging. That I could reach my friends who would never call themselves bakers and empower them to experience that magical feeling with their favorite people. AND I could do it while being inclusive and cognizant of all the different ways we choose to eat, live, love and celebrate today.

And so Wild Rye was born!
Our baking mixes are inclusive, accessible and flexible. We are uncompromising on quality, obsessive about taste, and tireless in our pursuit to share the good times. Because, for us it's about celebrating, even the small things, as a community, with cake!
I invite you to try our classic cake mixes, vegan cake mixes, gluten free baking mixes, and frostings and decorations to bake up your own magic. I am here for you and I look forward to seeing what we can do in the kitchen and at the table together.
With Love,
Founder & Chief Baking Officer
Start Baking Magic